Get access to 97+ Part 2 topics given between January and November 2019. Click here. In this lesson, we are going to focus on six questions you might be asked in Part 3 of the IELTS speaking test. These are 'opinion' and 'ideas' questions which focus on arriving early and being patient. Read our answers below and take notes of the new vocabulary. ARRIVING EARLY In what kinds of situations should people always arrive early? I think people tend to arrive early when they have an important meeting or an exam. In these kinds of situations, people are under pressure and they feel nervous and because of that, they want to make sure they arrive in time. I believe job interviews are a good example why people arrive early as this not only shows they are professional but also that they have good time management skills. There are other situations such as arriving at the airport where people are required to be there early in order to check in and board without any problems. Note: This is an 'opinion' type of question. You need to share your opinion of the topic. (What is your opinion? You can use some of our examples and vocabulary provided to help you express your point of view.) VOCABULARY
How important is it to arrive early in your country? In my country, China, being punctual for formal events is considered extremely important. Not only does it show respect, but it also makes a very good impression on other people. Being punctual is seen as good manners, especially when it comes to business meetings as they always begin on time. However, when you are invited for dinner, you should never arrive early as this implies that you are hungry. Note: This is an ‘ideas’ type of question. It tests your ability to give ideas in depth. VOCABULARY
How can modern technology help people to arrive early? Nowadays, people can use different apps on their phones to take notes of important events and to plan their time. Modern technology can help us arrive early in many different ways. For example, you can easily coordinate your schedule with other people by using online calendars and important events could easily be shared. As a result, people will have access to the same schedule as well as the time arranged. You can also set a reminder so that the app notifies you of every upcoming event in advance, for example, an hour earlier. It is also easy to check the weather forecast and this way you can leave home early when the weather is bad. Note: This is an ‘ideas’ type of question. It tests your ability to give ideas in depth. BEING PATIENT What kinds of jobs require the most patience? There are certain jobs which require extreme patience. For instance, working in a call centre and dealing with angry customers can be quite challenging and this type of job is suitable for people who can stay calm in stressful situations and are willing to help others. Another example could be any sales-related job where employees need to be patient, outgoing and able to interact with difficult or frustrated customers. Teaching can also be given as an example because this job includes interaction with problem students. In general, not all students obey rules. Teaching to these kinds of students could be quite stressful, but as a teacher, you need to do your job regardless of the situation. Teachers also need to be patient with students and their learning abilities as well as any discipline issues which can cause extra pressure. Note: This is an ‘ideas’ type of question. It tests your ability to give ideas in depth. (Jobs that require more patience than others: call centre representatives, managers, administrative jobs, surgeons, and so on.) VOCABULARY
Is it always better to be patient in work (or studies)? In my opinion, being patient has plenty of benefits. For example, a patient person has more time to consider different solutions to a problem as well as put more efforts to achieve high-quality results. Being patient in the workplace is essential when concentrating on tiny details for a long period of time or when dealing with challenging colleagues. When it comes to studying, I think patience can help you study more effectively and as a result, one can get higher grades. In contrast, impatient people are more likely to finish their job faster without considering all aspects of a certain task. Students, on the other hand, may find it difficult to study consistently before exams or they may end up making mistakes when they try to complete the test quickly. Note: This is an 'opinion' type of question. You need to share your opinion of the topic. VOCABULARY
Do you agree or disagree the older people are, the more patient they are? In my opinion, people tend to lose patience regardless of their age and there might be various reasons for that. For example, many people become impatient due to physical factors such as hunger or fatigue. In general, people complain when there is a delay or something annoying happens. I feel both young and old people express their anger either verbally or their body language shows how tense and upset they are. Impatient people are often seen as arrogant and impulsive. In order to be patient, people need to practise this ability and to find out the causes of being impatient. Otherwise, their lack of patience is likely to affect not only their relationships and daily performance, but also their career prospects. Note: This is an 'opinion' type of question. You need to share your opinion of the topic. VOCABULARY
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